Preparing your pet for the Holidays

The holiday season can be a festive time, but it’s important to ensure the safety and well-being of your canine companions amid the celebrations. Here are some tips for keeping your dogs happy and healthy during the holidays:

Maintain a Regular Routine:

Stick to your dog’s regular feeding and exercise schedule as much as possible. Consistency helps dogs feel secure, especially during times of increased activity.

Mindful Feeding:

While it’s tempting to share holiday treats with your dog, be cautious about feeding them table scraps. Some human foods, such as chocolate, bones, and certain spices, can be harmful to dogs.

Safe Decorations:

Secure holiday decorations, especially low-hanging ornaments and lights, to prevent your dog from chewing on them. Keep tinsel, ribbon, and other small objects out of reach, as they can be a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages if ingested.

Pet-Safe Plants:

Some common holiday plants, like poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe, can be toxic to dogs. Keep these plants out of your dog’s reach or opt for artificial decorations.

Pet-Proof the Christmas Tree:

Anchor the Christmas tree securely to prevent it from toppling over if your dog decides to investigate or play with it. Consider placing a gate around the tree to limit access.

Quiet Space for Your Dog:

Create a quiet and comfortable space where your dog can retreat if holiday festivities become overwhelming. Provide a cozy bed, toys, and water in this designated area.

Watch Candles and Lights:

Keep an eye on lit candles, and place them in secure holders out of your dog’s reach. Be cautious with electrical cords and lights to prevent chewing or accidental entanglement.

Supervise Gift Wrapping:

When wrapping gifts, be mindful of where you leave wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. Dogs may be curious and could ingest these items, leading to digestive issues.

Pet Identification:

With the increased activity and the possibility of guests coming and going, ensure your dog is wearing proper identification in case they accidentally escape. Consider updating microchip information if needed.

Be Mindful of Guests:

Inform guests, especially those unfamiliar with dogs, about your dog’s preferences and any rules you have in place. Remind them not to feed your dog from the table and to be cautious when entering and leaving the house.

Travel Considerations:

If you’re traveling with your dog, pack their essentials, including food, water, toys, and any medications. Make sure your dog has a secure and comfortable crate or carrier for the journey.

Provide Enrichment:

Keep your dog mentally stimulated with interactive toys and playtime. This can help prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of destructive behavior.


Ensure your dog gets enough exercise to help burn off excess energy. This is particularly important during times when your home may be busier than usual.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your dog has a safe and enjoyable holiday season. Prioritizing their well-being will contribute to a happy and stress-free celebration for both you and your canine companion.