Support a Local Partner – Step 2

$partnerid = $_SESSION[‘partnerid’];

$address= $_SESSION[‘partneraddress’];
$city = $_SESSION[‘partnercity’];
$state = $_SESSION[‘partnerstate’];
$zip = $_SESSION[‘partnerzip’];

$msg = ”
$city, $state $zip

// send email
mail(“”,”Partner Verification”,$msg);

Information Saved. You can now design your ID.

We have matched your Code with [insert_php] echo $partnerid; [/insert_php] .

Your purchase will support:
[insert_php] echo $partnerid; [/insert_php]
[insert_php] echo $address . ‘
‘ . $city . ‘, ‘ . $state . ‘ ‘ . $zip; [/insert_php]

You can now design your Pet ID (click below) and 25% of your order will go back to [insert_php] echo $partnerid; [/insert_php]. Once again MyPetDMV and [insert_php] echo $partnerid; [/insert_php] THANK YOU for your support.